Uki Asemota

Uki Asemota

Consultant, Public Speaker, and Social Media Manager. Uki Asemota is a fan of entrepreneurship, innovation, and


Running teaches us to challenge ourselves. It teaches us to push beyond where we thought we could go. It helps us to find out what we are made of. This is what we do. This is what it’s all about.”

Alice Parker
Alice Parkermember

In a moment when you feel weak or depressed, when life seems taking a wrong turn for you, you can take a different road by putting on your running shoes. Let go and enjoy the sensation of a free run.”

Martin Jones
Martin Jonescoach

This is one of the best running crews that I have ever been working with. These guys know how to handle long distanse runs, and will help you become a professional. Change your lifestyle with us. Run.”

Samantha Kits
Samantha Kitsmember


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